Recently, Republic of Republic of India Today ranked us equally the best technology scientific discipline college of the country. Here is the link to the word story.
In the final paragraph, Republic of Republic of India Today has quoted Prof. Sanjay Dhande, Director. He evidently said:
"Indian lodge looks at IITs equally elite undergraduate institutions. This is unfortunate. IITs should accept created an comport on inward research, postgraduate education, evolution of technologies for the produce goodness of lodge in addition to providing effective academic in addition to intellectual leadership to the lodge at large. This has non been the case. Society should bespeak to a greater extent than from IITs instead of only glorifying them equally elite undergraduate colleges. Being national heroes in addition to international zeros is non going to function for long." (emphasis is mine)
I am certain that in that place is about miscommunication in addition to Prof. Dhande has been quoted out of context. We are non comparable to the best inward the world, but calling us "Zeros" is non a fair evaluation either.